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Princess Amira belly dance journey

Amira – belly-dance

Amira – princess of belly-dance (if translate from arabic language, AMIRA mean Princess) , think this name special for this young lady not by accident in our time . But her way in world of oriental dance was bright and impetuous!

When she was 6 years old and excite of study gymnastics she got a plastic body and coordination her movements, sense of rhythm. Suddenly in 9 years old she starts Ballroom dance. This gave best practice, some experience, good technique of movement, mean choreography. Then Amira was finalist many times in competitions of this style with her 8 years practice of dancing and persistence.

In one time she interested modern dance – free-style, RnB, hip-hop, go-go dance and in 16 years old she had a certificate of choreograph. She begin teacher of modern dance and start career in fitness studio “Helios”. Her practice been in dance studio”Party-Boom” in different parties and night clubs of Novosibirsk city.

First travel in United Arabic Emirates, first time real belly-dancing!!! Amazing! Shock! Delight and born a new amazing successful star of Belly-dance. Travel around the world, work-shops of oriental, video information, independent persistence had a reason. Amira is start be a choreograph of oriental and in 17 years old she had first performance- debut in restaurant “Primus” in Novosibirsk. It was so great and has amazing success!!!

Later she finished University of economics like specialist of finances and credits but she not stop dancing! Opposite! She continue her dancing career and it is been the Best choice in her life!

Amira have a special stylization of performances with individual charisma. For today she is finalist and the prize-winner of such prestigious competitions Russian and international organizations – with GrandPrix 2009. She’s addicted to oriental dance since 2003. Practice of performances in Russia, Cyprus, UAE, Montenegro, China, Serbia, Germany, Turkey, France, Azerbaijan, Italy, USA and etc.- 11 years. In last 2 years – performances in Los Angeles gave her new wave and power to get some energy and special things for future career in belly-dance!

In her belly – dance style, the technique, the dynamic, freshness – something new in Belly dance. She is organizes workshops in Russia and another countries.

She use a different accessorizes for show: candles, wings, veils, sabers, flowers, saggaties, chandelier, fans, veil fans, tray with candles and fruits, professional Shine-wings and veils LED. Amira dance different styles – khaleej, belledi, saidi, Indian Bollywood, show of belly-dance.

She has a lot of students and admirers of her creation around the world. She had her original style with special costumes. The secret of costumes are: 1. She buy in Dubai different accessorizes, jewelers and textiles. This city has the best choice ever. 2. My fantasy is helping me create and embody new model of costume. 3. My mummy helps me a lot! She is my best designer with best special artistic taste. I believe her because she did all amazing perfect!

Enjoy the exciting and mysterious dances from AMIRA. U will feel closeness with exciting and enigmatic world of the East! According to Amira: “Every dancer has her own style. Classic dance was always, but in all styles u need have practice and great experiences. Have your own style in dance and in life – your step to be successful!”

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